How to access a flash drive connected to an IGEL OS device?

I am trying to access a flash drive that I have plugged in and have set it correct in the settings to see it. It mounts it fine, but I do not see a way to browse the contents

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You mean browsing the content on linux side or as mapped device on terminalserver side?

yeah browse the flash drive is what i would like to do honestly and drag the folder on the flash drive to the desktop on the terminal

So, you mean locally, not in Terminalserver or VDI, right?

right locally on the iGel

If I remember right, we used to have the file explorer Thunar implemented in our firmware.

Give it a try, that should be the easiest way:

ok so when I try to install that, I get the terminal screen that says “log in a user or root, then I get the password, but I thought there wasn’t an admin password set to be able to log in to install?

What do you mean by install? Thunar needs to be started, did you tried to switch to user with su user, and start it from there?

when I open local terminal and type in su user I get asked for a password. There is no default password correct? So I just hit enter and then I get Authentication failure.

Which Firmware Version are you using?

You could just create a “Custom Application” and launch thunar from a desktop icon or the start menu. It will then launch as “user”. In local settings or profile, go to System -> firmware customization -> custom application and add a new app. under your new app, change command to “thunar” in settings.

„su user -c „ but the fact that a password is required brought me to a question regarding Firmware. Let‘s see!

thunar in 10.05.x seems much more locked down than I remember from past versions (no right click, no dragging items). you can view and browse files, however, not much else. If I had to guess, it looks like we’ve replaced the thunar executable with something a bit more locked down.

Although that did work Mike, I was able to get thunar to work using your suggestion, I can’t drag the folder I need to the desktop or anything else.

Product: UD3-LX 51ac Firmware version:

still when I try to load something it asks for password and when I hit enter it says authentication error

One thing to consider is that the “Desktop” folder in the user’s home directory is owned and controlled by root anyway. It also may not be the best place to move to copy files to. Could this workflow just be done in a session using the windows file manager?


@member you can configure a password for the root user (which in some scenarios makes scenes and is important – eg if you allow remote ssh access to the thin clients for support troubleshooting) than it’s required

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