How to configure IGEL OS to reboot after x minutes being idle?

I’m not sure if this is an #igel-os or #igel-ums issue, but I’ll post it here since the action isn’t occurring on the thinclient. I’ve created a profile to reboot the client after 10 minutes of idle, however it is not rebooted the client. There is nothing in the logs for this client in question, so how do I go about debugging this?

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How did you perform this step? Like this?

I’ve set the following params for this profile.


command=shutdown -r now


ignore_idle=check force command

timeout=1min (for testing)

Also, i’m running UMS6 and LX-10.05.500

Please try the command reboot instead, if not appliable please try the countdown described above. Just want to see if it works then

I update the command=reboot but it’s not reboot.

reboot like shutdown requires elevated privs.

Right, that‘s what I wanted to see because I wasn‘t sure in which context the idle command is set. Can your try user_reboot -f ?

I’ve set command=pkill -U $USER, but that also didn’t work, not sure it $USER is being passed correctly.

setting command=user_reboot -f also is not working.

Then please use the Article sent above and keep us in the loop🙏

I created a profile as described in that article but the client is not rebooting. Given this example do I also need to have a profile to lock the screen? I feel like this example is missing something that hasn’t been configured.

sessions.xlock0.options.countdown_condition_cmd=pgrep ServiceRecord

sessions.xlock0.options.countdown_done_cmd=user_reboot -f


Will check tomorrow, I will come back to you asap👍

Had a few tries but it didn‘t work either in my lab. Have to leave now but will have an eye on it tomorrow.

Oh, one last thing if you want to test by yourself, since the user_reboot command isn’t a binary but a shell script, it would be better to get it invoked this way:

/bin/sh /config/sessions/commands0 -f

I’ve already ssh’d into the client and done that;-)

So i’ve finally gotten this working and needed to do the following.

1. Create and enable a Screensaver profile

2. Configured a conditional countdown/command with the following params:

sessions.xlock0.options.countdown_condition_cmd=pgrep -f igel_screensaver

sessions.xlock0.options.countdown_done_cmd=user_reboot -f


With this in place the client will reboot 60 seconds after the screensaver starts. The documentation needs to be updated to include that the screensaver being enabled is a dependency for this to work.

@member Does this Screensaver need to be enabled under the same profile as well?

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