IGEL UMS interface (6.05.100) regardless of the theme unable to view profile settings as the background color matches the foreground color, impossible to read the setting

When I access our UMS interface, running 6.05.100, regardless of the theme I choose, I’m unable to view profile settings as the background color matches the foreground color, so it’s impossible to read the settings. What can be done to fix this?

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In UMS go to Misc, settings, and change the skin.

Sorry, I used the wrong term. I should have said, regardless of the skin I choose, not theme. Thanks.

Just in case, did you restarted the console? Is it maybe a Windows (OS) Skin that changes the color?

Yes, I restarted the console after every skin change.

I’m accessing the console via a Xenapp so I have no way of controlling the Windows (OS) Skin.

Let me check on my Citrix lab!

Worked on my side… Using 6.05.110.

Dumb question, could you check if:

1) your Registry is showing up the choosed theme:


2) if Console Logs shows something helpful?

I don’t have direct access to the OS since its a Xenapp. I would have to reach out to the Citrix admins to check this on the vdisk.

I was able to get the information you were requesting. Regarding the registry key it is changing when I select different skins and there is an error in the log which I have attached. The Citrix admin also removed my profile and it made no difference.

I installed the same version of the UMS console locally on my Windows 10 system and the same behavior occurs with every skin. There is nothing in the local log. Here is a screenshot of the Smart contrast skin.

Hi Bob, just to get you right: the skin changes but you are feeling that the values right of the Yellow Triangle is unpossible to read?

If you see my last screenshot all I see on the settings panel are the field values, not the field labels.

Yes, the skin changes but can’t see the field labels.

I think the issue may be related to the display driver. Going to try to install the console on another Win10 system I have.

Weird… Yes, please!

Same behavior on my other Win10 system. I even tried accessing the UMS from the Xenapp on my other system. I’m stuck.

Hi Bob, hard to say tbh… Let me sum up a bit:

1) the issue is happening on a TS, as a local installation, right?

2) can you open the UMS Console on the UMS Server itself? Does it work there?

3) is an update to 6.05.110 an option?

1. yes

2. I opened a remote session to the UMS server and I see the same behavior there.

3. I am downloading .110 now to try it.

Its very interesting that the UMS admin, logging in with the same UMS account does not experience this issue.

So is this an issue with the server or the client? I didn’t realize that when I originally reported the issue I indicated I was using 6.05.100 when in fact the console I’m using is 6.05.110. The server is at 6.05.100. I inadvertently picked the server version from the info dialog.

Hold on… So your Console version isn‘t corresponding to your UMS Server version?

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