Hey everybody! My users are complaining about their Igel being locked by a session left by the earlier user. They connect to a Citrix farm. Sometimes a user leaves the Igel without logging out of the session, the session locks the Igel with a lock screen after being idle for a while. There should be an opportunity to “shift user”, but there is nothing. The user who want to use the abandoned Igel, have to pull the power cord. I understand that this is a Citrix problem, but are there are there any possibility in the Igel settings to drop an idle Citrix session after a certain time? 😬
Yeah… That‘s a funny topic where we have a couple of Feature Requests already and are working on them.
Are you using the synchronize Citrix Password with screensaver or Kerberos passthrough function?
If not pressing ctrl+win+d would minimize everything and the second user may logoff.
If yes: using a Screensaver command like pnlogoff may help also:
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