Is it possible to make a window priority upon startup of IGEL OS?

Good morning, I was wondering if its possible to make a window priority upon startup? We have multiple applications launching upon startup and it seems the pop up priority is inconsistent.

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Good afternoon! Which kind of Applications are starting ? You could work with the Start delay (seconds), or use a tool like xdotool or wmctrl as a custom command:

xdotool windowactivate Firefox


So essentially we have Epic launching once Citrix authenticates. Epic brings along a application for Dictation since its connected in the image with Epic. This Dictation software only starts with Epic but it does appear as its own application on task bar. Sometimes the dictation window covers a bit of the Epic screen. This would not be a issue however end users do not touch these devices because they are being used as display boards in waiting rooms. This is causing a headache for our PC techs since they have to check the devices every morning by shadowing in. I would like to make a set application priority in the screen showing to avoid other pop ups blocking patient information

Are your applications starting on a Published Desktop or without Desktop as a Published app?

Without desktop as a published app

Sorry for answering late… Can you open a Terminal and check

xdotool getwindowfocus getwindowname

how the window title of your wanted window is?

If yes

wmctrl -r “window title” -b add,above

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