How to remove all IGEL OS clients with EMP licenses via a Profile?

Hi everyone, we have around 110 Clients with EMP licenses that have to be removed.Usually we just delete the license from the licensening portal and delete + reset the clients in question, so that they’re new and ready for normal business. But we cant do that with these clients, they were already reset and are in a productive environment.

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Soo, i saw in an earlier discussion thread that i can remove the license from the device itself with a custom command? This command for the EMP removal if im correct?:

Would i be able to create a normal profile, assign it to the Clients, and after a reboot the License would be gone?

Hi Ian, yes, that’s exactly what the command mount / remount does!

Hi Sebastien, alrighty then im glad I got it right. Other question, i tried using a secure terminal on a client, but i cant get past the login… I tried root which doesnt work at all, and i dont know which user i can/should use. i have set a password und Security>Password>Password for remote access.

Try to login with the user user and then switch to root with


Tried it, didnt work, i also tried user and then the password i set, but also no. Could the reason be that i try to open a secure terminal on my own client?

No, should work either. Will send you a Download Link as PM to a Tutorial video I recorded, in hope that it will help!

This is something @member and I were looking at yesterday as we have the same issue in our environment. I was finding that despite removing EMP licenses from ILP and removing from the device, they were still getting them back again. It turns out you have to remove in Global Configuration -> Licenses -> Device Licenses. However the issue there is you can only do one at a time. How can we remove 100+ devices there?

@member personally we assign the licenses for ICG clients manually, so i always download the license file and import it into UMS, when i delete ICG clients/emp licenses i just have to delete the old license file from the ums and import the new one without the old clients. Maybe that would help?

@member so, i tried using the custom command in in order to delete the EMP license, but it didnt work, the Client just gets stuck in a reboot loop. Is the command incorrect? i used the one that searches for “Enterprise Management License”.

It sounds like the command is incorrect. Try this instead

`mount -o remount,rw /license; grep -iRl “ENTERPRISE” /license | xargs rm -f {}`

As an extra note: you can specify any keyword instead of ENTERPRISE – for example, the ID of the Product Pack where the license lives.

@member Thats sounds interesting, i’ll try it out!

> It turns out you have to remove in Global Configuration -> Licenses -> Device Licenses. However the issue there is you can only do one at a time. How can we remove 100+ devices there?

The answer to @member’s question is that you can use Select Filter button inside UMS Administration > Device Licenses to find all the licenses from a particular Pack ID 😉

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