Is anyone using this command to change the desktop icon colour, stopped working in IGEL OS 11.05.100

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Is anyone using this command to change the desktop icon colour?

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For me it seems to have stopped working on clients after upgrading to firmware 11.05.100.


Hi Dan, will check, hold on!

Should still work. But you might have to reboot once more to make the Base->Initilization Cmd work.

I changed the css manually to red like in your sed cmd and and the lables reddened considerably after a /config/bin/x11_system restart.

Can you confirm @member?

Hi, sorry was distracted, i have rebooted multiple times, assigned and unassigned the profile and it doesn’t want to work for me.

I upgraded from 11.03.100 where it didn’t work, to and it started working, then went to the latest and it stopped again.

Can you post your sed command into the chat. It’s too complex to easyly copy it from the screenshot.

Yep its here:

`sed -i “/^XfdesktopIconView.label[ t]{/,/}/ s#^([ t]color:[ t]*)white;#1red;#” /usr/share/themes/IGEL-Dark/gtk-3.0/xfdesktop.css`

OK now I see it. I manually changed the color of XfdesktopIconView.view instead XfdesktopIconView.label.

Changing the label color indeed seems to have no effect in current versions. Strangely the background-color is changeable. Wonder of Gtk3, I guess.

But try the view color. It changes the label (but also the the icon itself when activated).

Thanks @member that worked super, now I’m looking at it i cant remember what it looked like with the previous command – i feel like it looks just like it did before. Example attached.

^^ I just found the difference. I definitely prefer the label command to the view when selecting an icon.

@member I wondered if there’s no direct way to change the icon label color. Turns out there is: (look for the red color)

This from the local setup 11.05., not sure which UMS versions this already have. But regardless you can make a profile based on a device which has the right color setting.

Thanks @member That is a welcome addition for sure and it works great with 11.05 firmware, the option was not available in the profile v11.04.270! Good bye custom command 😉

Appreciate you coming back to me with that very much.

There is a new article into the knowledge base now:

Super Lars, thank you

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