Is it possible to run IGEL UMS Console 5 and 6 on same computer or will it be conflicts?

Hi, is it possible to run UMS Console 5 and 6 on same computer or will it be conflicts?

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Hi, you could install the UMS Console 6, and run the UMS Console with Webstart:

Sebastien’s idea would be the best workaround here. Installing both locally won’t work

It seems to “work”, but i’m currently working at home through VPN and got som error regardign tunneling proxy? I will look into this when i get back to office. Thanks for the advices!

With software virtualization you can have many different versions on the same server

Ok, so i need to install UMS Console 6 before using the WebStart? I already have UMS Console 5 installed.

@member You mean like App-V?

@member for example or ThinApp or MSI-X (the best one)

@member Java Webstart doesn’t require any software to be installed (except Java) because the client Java applet is downloaded on-the-fly

Can I ask why you need to run UMS Console 5 and 6 on the same computer?

We have 2 environments running, the old UMS 5 which contains WinXP and Win7 clients. many of them will be replaced and the new ones that will be running in the new environment. Right now i have an RDP session to UMS 6 and the UMS 5 console on the computer. It would be more convenient to run both consoles on same computer.

Haha I guessed that might be the case 🙂 I can’t recommend that you install both on the same PC but it might work if you changed the install path? That’s at your own risk though. And, have you tried Java Webstart already?

How do i change the install path? I don’t have that option when i start the installer?

You need to use the silent installer with the configuration file, than you can edit the path

Please have a look at this article:

The webstart doesn’t work for me, got some tunneling error?

What was the exact error?

I found out what was wrong, i didn’t use FQDN to server. Now i can login, i will check this.

I tried to shadow a device, but i got this after a long time.

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