After rebuilding IGEL UD3 with IGEL OS 10.05.100 UMS shows ‘old’ device, only fit is to reregister the device in UMS? IS there another way?

A new TC with UD3 10.05.100 registered to UMS, and it is then upgraded to 10.05.500.

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I then rebuilt it with 10.05.100 w/o removing its object from UMS. When TC is up, its “old” UMS object shows green but still at 10.05.500.01, Profiles are not applied and “Files were not yet sent to thin client”. The only way I can fix is to remove the object and empty trash.

Given Desktop group will rebuild machines from time to time and their USB stick might not be up-to-date, how can we manage this?

@member What version is the UMS on? There was a UMS release at the same time as the 10.05.500.

If you refresh the UMS Console, it should also show you the correct firmware version of the device after the “downgrade”?!

@member UMS is 5.09.120 (5.09.110 also behaved the same). I refreshed UMS Console, but firmware level did not change. The only way to get UMS to recognize the “downgrade” is delete the object, empty bin and reboot the TC to re-register.

you can re-register that device via ip scan from ums (Thin Clients -> Scan for Thin Clients -> Set “Include” -> OK).

You can also re-register via cli (rmdb_register -s <server> -p <portnumber> -U <username> -P <password>) , it is what I would do in the case you descripe, if your colleagues are resetting the devices.

Both cases should keep the object in the ums.

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