After updating to IGEL OS 11.02.150 the device time is not correct

I seem to have a problem with the device time not being correct after we install OS This seems to only affect fresh installs and not devices that have been updated from via UMS. Has anyone else ran into this? if i do a fresh install with the device time is correct.

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Did you setup a NTP Server for the time sync? Can you check if the Time set in Bios is read by the OS?

Yeah the NTP server is setup and it works fine for the older OS. Just not the new one. I even when in to UMS and Update the profile to be based off the new OS and that didnt help either. I will check time in Bios but i know the PC’s had the correct times when they ran Windows 10.

Strange, login as root in a local terminal, login as root, issue

ntpdate -u yourserver

does that work?

I updated to the newer OS and that seems to resolve the issue.

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