Hi, we have issues after upgrading our citrix storefront to 1912 LTSR. We are using firefox to connect to the storefront url. Since the upgrade to 1912, it looks like the firefox have issues to detect the Citrix Receiver. We have to click on detect Receiver and were redirected to a blank site as shown below. As Workaround we find out that we can just go a site back and press “already installed”.. Anyone else facing this problem with 1912 Storefront? We tested different Firmware and Receiver Version and it happens not just in the older Versions..

Hello Nicholas, we’ve had similar problem using firefox and SF >= 19.03. This issue appears since firefox does not support NPAPI plugins with version >= 33.x
So we’ve switched from firefox to Workspace App for login.
Hello Nicholas! Just in addition to @member, this thread sums up the different workarounds I would show:
igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1572512890338400 igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1572512890338400
This is what I had to do to prevent Receiver detection in Firefox on IGEL (applies to other browsers and platforms) – support.citrix.com/article/CTX209283 — Item 5 under StoreFront 3.x section
Works fine on newer IGEL OS 11 release, You need firmware 11.03.111 and above to fix your issue. It works for me and I’m running 11.03.258.
Just ensure you don’t flush that firefox cache/cookies in your browser profile, otherwise you will see that detect receiver message every single time.
We fixed that problem by editing the storefront web.config and removed the “Linux” from “pluginAssistant”. So for linux clients the detection is disabled with this workaround..
Change <protocolHandler enabled=”true” to <protocolHandler enabled=”false” did it for us. Thanks!
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