Anybody seen a UD3 with a wifi foot not finding any Bluetooth devices when running the Bluetooth tool? I thought maybe it was something in my configuration so I reset to factory defaults and even before connecting it to my UMS, the Bluetooth tool never finds any devices and just spins forever at “Searching for devices…” . It can see wifi networks so I assume the wifi foot is working.

To be honest, I wouldn’t be aware that the Igel Extension feet includes a bluetooth chipset. As far as I remember, it’s meant to be pure wifi. Or did I misunderstood you?
You are probably right. We were under the impression it included bluetooth capability as well but it may not.
I don’t see any with Bluetooth.
@member at the moment we do not have bluetooth receivers as options. You will need to get your own bluetooth adapter. Generally, those just works as the amount of chipsets are limited. I’ve tested quite a few different usb cheap once and they just works.
IGEL supports nearly every BlueZ Bluetooth USB dongle
Good to know, thanks. For this particular user I just threw a UD Pocket into a desktop that had a bluetooth chipset and we’re good to go.
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