Anyconnect error on 11.05.100 “Posture Assessment Failed: CSD library signature verification failed.”

I recently setup anyconnect CP IGEL OS 11.04.240 is our current FW. I wanted to confirm it worked on another FW version so I downloaded the newest public release 11.05.100. After not being able to resolve the issue. 11.04.270 was tried it also works. I can swap back and forth between FW versions and it will work/not work.
Hello Brandon, are you using a Prebuilt CP from IGEL or a self-created one?
I would request prebuilt CP from IGEL — I see they have 4.9.03047 for 11.05 created March 9.
Self-created one. I did know there were prebuilt CP for anyconnect. I can give that a shot, Security folks wanted me to use anyconnect – 4.9.05042
From GitHub CP site… Have ref to using ldd to look for any missing libs.
ldd <exec_file> | grep ‘not found’
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