Evening Everyone, I’m new to IGEL, but looking forward to the fun of incorporating it in many places here. I was wondering if anyone has used the WaveID tapbadges from RFIDeas with them. It acts like it is attaching. Shows up in the Hardware attached. Lights up and acts like it is responding to the badge. But nothing flows over to the login field.

I’m using an IGEL M340C. Firmware: IGEL UD LX-10.05.500
Hi, Welcome to the IGEL Community! Hmm.. honestly i’m not very experienced in the world of tap’ing. But what login field would you like to have filled out when tapping? I don’t believe that we have a general OS function for that, i think it at this stage is limited to the tap-and-go features we have built in only, like Imprivata..
Hi, I agree with @member . This kind of devices would have to act as a Keyboard input if no Software, driver or middleware is installed. Did you checked the availability of Linux Binaries? There is something but I don‘t know if this applications CmdpcProx.tar.gz is enough.
Fredrik: I’m connecting to a Citrix session. It is to fill in the User name and password, via a Vergance vault. It shows up as a keyboard input device.
Sebastien: I will take a look at the CmdpcProx.tar.gz as well.
Thank you both.
Solution: I needed to go under Sessions>Citrix XenDesktop/XenApp>HDX/ICA Global>Native USB Redirection
In here I enabled nativ USB Redirection
Then Class Rules: Allo HID
Then Device Rules:
Vendor: 02c7
Product ID: 3bfa
Now it is recognizing the tap badge perfectly.
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