I’m working through some performance optimization automation for UMS 6.10.140. I’m aware of the Performance Optimizations section in the IGEL KB (here: kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.10/en/performance-optimizations-57320960.html#PerformanceOptimizations-PerformanceOptimizations).

Are there any methods to automate or schedule embedded database optimization?
Also, I’m assuming administrative tasks to automatically clean up logs (logging data, job execution data, execution data of administrative tasks, process events, asset information history) should be performed BEFORE optimizing the embedded DB?
From the command line… setup a job to run
Thanks, @member! I JUST found that in the 6.10 version (here: kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.10/en/igel-ums-administrator-command-line-interface-57322086.html).
A few other ideas here: videos.igelcommunity.com/igel-ums-performance-tips-and-tricks-video/ videos.igelcommunity.com/igel-ums-performance-tips-and-tricks-video/
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