I have interesting request…. We are deploying iGel devices and AudioCodec and users want to use single headset with both systems. AudioCodec does not have BT, so we connect headset to AudioCodec using USB dongle, then connect Headset to iGel using Bluetooth. Audio output works but mic is not working within iGel (and therefore within Citrix session). Is there a way to make this working?

Looks like specific for 11.04.200
on 11.04.x
on 11.3.580
Sounds a bit like this thread:
igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1604317474237000 igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1604317474237000
I assume that Native USB Redirection is off, right?
It’s not USB device, it’s BT device. USB dongle is used to connect same device to AudioCodec
Yes, but the case sounds similar to me, don‘t you think? Can you provide the infos asked there?
not sure what to provide… There is no USB. Firmware is 11.04.200… Headset is Platronics BT600. Works fine with USB dongle, does not work when paired with BT using built in BT
This one, maybe?
Could you unplug your headset, open a local terminal (accessories, Terminal, +), login as root and issue:
dmesg | grep usb
then plug your Headset
Dumb additional question: are you using USB Access control?
kb.igel.com/igelos-11.04/en/usb-access-control-32871497.html kb.igel.com/igelos-11.04/en/usb-access-control-32871497.html
it’s connected (paired) via built in bluetooth on iGel Hardware device. there is no USB dongle. USB dongle is connected to AudioCodec device
Not using USB access control – there is nothing USB here. These are new iGEL Devices with builtin WiFi/BT
Ok, got it now! Then it might be related to the Kernel version we are using. Will search on internet for similar issues but I would ask you to open a ticket to get the issue tracked. I will also DM you the latest Private Build I have.
Same thing with new Firmware
Thanks Vojin, damned… Ok, would you mind to open a ticket here?
The support level we have is “email only” and I hate it. We need to get over 300 devices to be eligible for normal support…
case 2020110510001823
Support says there is dropdown box that needs to be changed
I asked how to set that thru UMS – no response yet
Hello @member please try the option sent to you via the ticket to test the “Default Sound Output” as headphones, and the Default Sound Input as “headset mic”
settings does nothing. Device still gets to different option
also, when settings is changed audio output goes from stereo to mono
Thank you, I will relay that back to the case owner. He will get back to you with next steps
@member, I just tested those settings here on two different devices. When I connected my bluetooth headset with a profile applied like that it switched to it as expected.
I am running 11.04.130, 11.04.200, and 11.04.215. All seemed to work for me
Are you sure you have those settings applied just like the image?
Can you drop a device export here for me to review? (or PM it to me)
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