Authenticated Web Kiosks – Automated Kerberos Authentication and SSO with IGEL OS

Hi IGEL Community!
“Disclaimer: I’m an IGEL employee. What’s published here is my opinion and does not reflect the opinion of IGEL. Any advice provided is provided without support, etc, etc, etc.”
I recently had a customer that had the need to have IGEL devices auto-login to a website in a locked down workflow. I worked with them to build a really neat workflow and then expanded it to be a framework that could be employed elsewhere with customization. This isn’t something that’ll work out of the box and requires a relatively high-level of skill to use. However, I wanted to share in case it could help anyone else out there.
Here’s a video explaining the process:
I’ve attached the formal write-up and the scripts/profiles referenced.
Great work @member !!!
Awesome, just brilliant!
Great stuff, Wes
That could be a good start point to use for Citrix or RDP WebAccess Autologin for production terminals
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