Bios time differs from NTP on IGEL OS

Hi guys. Having issues with HP prodesks and IGEL time. I currently am set to use New york time zone yet my clock says 10 at night. I checked the bios setting and the clock displays the correct time (around 2 in the afternoon) but IGEL does not. These HP prodesks seem to be the only devices I have that dont accept the time zone. Am i missing something?

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I am running 11.08.360. I currently have no time issues with any other devices. However, with HP Prodesk G4’s and G5’s i get this issue. I am using UMS 6.10.130.

My guess is that the time is actually off. I am not sure when that screenshto was taken, but check UTC time on the device vs actual UTC time.

Either the BIOS clock is off, or your ntp server isn’t configured / working correctly.

This was taken 5 seconds ago. UTC shows 2:50 which is what IGEL should show. BIOS time also shows 2:50 as well

UTC Time is currently 6:53

Your BIOS is in local time

I am guessing it used to be Windows, or you are dual booting

Used to be windows now IGEL

Windows sets the time in local time. It’s the only OS on the planet that does that

Set an NTP server in your IGEL configuration. It _should_ pull it forward on next reboot

So, the BIOS time is incorrect because it’s in local time. BIOS time should always be in UTC, but Windows is weird

If NTP doesn’t automatically pull it to the correct time, then you may need to manually set the BIOS to the correct UTC time (or something close) and then NTP will correct it

Of course NTP did not auto pull it down.

switching bios time to correct UTC time worked. Do you think I need to keep the NTP server? or will it use America/Ny time zone and that would be enough?

Keep the NTP server

Once it is close enough, NTP can pull time to make sure it’s correct

Time is important for anything authentication related

Thanks chris! You just saved me a lot of stress

It shows the correct time but in AM and not PM. Theres no place in BIOS for me to change AM/PM

It’s a 24 hour clock

We want to use a 12 hour clock only is this possible

In the BIOS, no

You need to make sure it’s set to the 24 hour time. On IGEL it’s a setting

I got that. I guess I am trying to set the time to a 12 hour format and dont want to use 24 hour time format

You need to change this in IGEL OS.

IGEL Registry


Okay it still shows AM and not PM. Is there any way to remove the A.M? were are in CT and its not 3 am

If it’s showing 3 AM it means the BIOS time is still wrong. Did you set it for 6:XX or 18:XX?

It needs to be 19:25 right now

Ahhh thats why. Perfect thank you sir for all your help.

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