Can’t update IGEL OS from Citrix Files (formerly ShareFile)? We have tested the same settings from Filezilla and are able to download, so I know the information is correct

Having an issue getting a TC to update firmware from Citrix Files (formerly ShareFile). We have tested the same settings from Filezilla and are able to download, so I know the information is correct. However, we had to accept a certificate through Filezilla and wondering if that is the reason why the TC won’t download it. This is a UDP and firmware version it is on is 10.04.100 and trying to update to version 10.05.500. Thoughts?

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I guess I can test with straight FTP and see if that works, but I don’t want to leave FTP enabled.

@member, I guess you could from that device open a ff browser session and browse Citrix Files, will you then get a cert warning?

I can try that. attempting with just plain FTP first, as that would remove the cert altogether

Could also open a terminal, enter “curl https://citrix.files.fqdn” and see if the response gives anything

ftp isn’t working either. when I do curl https;//fqdn or curl fqdn it just sits there

ah, I didn’t wait long enough. It says it timed out

needed to put the port number

makes sense if its not 443

putting port number it comes up with not logged in

ok, when I add -u and add login information I can see the directories

I put in

curl -u username:password

so it appears the site is accessible. Not sure what I have wrong in my profile then

I followed this guide:

okay, well, I got it to come up on the screen and say it was doing a firmware update, but it went really quickly and it still shows the old version installed. I right clicked on the device in UMS and told it to update on shutdown. DIdn’t think I would need to do that since the profile says to do it on shutdown. I’ll keep playing with it and will get it to work. Thanks @member for pointing me in the right direction.

Sure, no problems. I personally haven’t tested the Citrix Files update, so i cant help more at this stage.

I was able to copy a file to the TC using curl, it just doesn’t seem to want to do the update.

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