I’m trying to set up a UD3 as a web kiosk. I’ve created a profile that enables shadowing and can access it (so I know network connection is good), but when I start a browser session that loads the default edocs.igel.com edocs.igel.com, I get a “Web Page Blocked” error. Same happens for any other site I try to load. In the Browser Global settings, I checked “Show my homepage” when browser starts. Is there something else I need to do to enable web access?

Got a web proxy between the client and web site?
Not sure what issue you are facing: are we speaking about a proxy issue or more DNS?
I do not believe so. Its just default configuration other than enabling shadowing and checking “when browser starts show my homepage”
Yes, but if no website can be started at all, I would try first to ping them from the endpoint and see if the resolving works. If yes do a probeport mywebsite.com mywebsite.com 443
Any Windows clients on the same network? Do they browse fine to the websites and do they have a web proxy configured? Do internal websites work?
I went into Ping-Network Tools and set network address to (google?). That was successful. Not sure how to do a probeport
Its connected to our company admin network, so loads of windows machines on it. We may very well have a proxy, but i do not have any information on it. Our IT group has been incredibly unhelpful in this project over the last 3 weeks, so thought I would try here. Thanks for the help, I really appreciate it.
Have a look in IE at the Proxy server settings, highly likely you’ll have something in there. That’s what will need to be configured on the IGEL client.
Usually, the client would ask for IP / Mask / Gateway and sometimes for DNS. You may try to see if a DNS is set on your Windows Machines and use them on our endpoint under:
Igel Setup=>Network=>Lan Interfaces=>DNS
Looks like in IE -> Connections-> LAN Settings, “Use automatic configuration script” is selected and there is an address. Not sure where I would put that in under the iGEL proxy settings.
i ran cmd-> nslookup and found a default DNS server. Then on the iGEL went into LAN interfaces, checked enable DNS and but in that value under the first “Nameserver”.
Try opening a website with its IP address. That would help narrow down if the issue is DNS related or not.
Is the UD3 using DHCP or does it have a static IP?
ah, ignore my first response. Since you can ping, you know it is likely a DNS issue.
maybe test if you can ping google.com google.com. That would help know if it is a DNS issue.
How are you dishing out the DNS addresses? DHCP?
sorry, not the quickest at doing this sort of thing. Ran cmd-> tracert www.facebook.com www.facebook.com (probably not a great website to check with, lol) routed through 12 ip addresses before landing on a final one. Typed that into my computer’s browser and it returned facebook no problem. Typed it into the iGEL and had the same webpage blocked.
Where would i try to ping google.com google.com on the igel? I am in ping-network tools, and it gives a spot for “network address”. I type in google.com google.com there nad it is not successful. I’m feeling like it is related to the proxy script i found in IE. I’m just not sure how to translate that into the iGEL settings.
Can you send us a picture of the webpage blocked error message?
settings are to get IP from DHCP server. I’ll try to get picture. In a sandboxed browser since slack is blocked at work. May not be able to upload files
as i suspected, can’t upload in browser. uploaded to imgr instead.
View post on imgur.com
If there is a proxy script in ie, that probably is your issue. But if you enable terminal on the igel, I think you should be able to ping from there. On the road at the moment so can’t test
That‘s a proxy message… Would you be able to „force“ the network admins:hugging_face: to support you? I think you would need a kind of NTLM authentication enabled on Proxy side and, of course a user?
Maybe offering some beers?
interesting turn of events. enabled terminal and pinged google.com google.com and am getting a response.
Unfortunately its a giant company. It support has no idea what im talking about or need help with.
I’ll keep the beers options in my back pocket though. Good idea!
How do they handle other Linux os’s?
Getting the ping back tells you it isn’t dns or network settings. Uses different port than browser. It’s definitely proxy issue
honestly not sure how we handle other linux os’s. i know we have several of these iGELs, but they are on a lvl1 application running on a server. I thought I could just run one without accessing the server for a little PowerBI report, but that may not be possible.
How dare you block the IGEL website? :)
“Our IT group has been incredibly unhelpful in this project over the last 3 weeks ” tbh that smells a bit like shadow-IT – I hope you dont do something your IT-group does not intend you to do.
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