Hi all,
I’m working on a custom application that needs to check against total operating time. Is there a command that can run on the OS to pull this value? TIA.

Basically just need the date and time the terminal first checked into the console. This is the Total Operating Time value that’s calculated in the console. Is there a command I can use in bash to get this value locally on the terminal?
Maybe create a view in UMS:
I was looking for a way to pull it locally on the terminal. I only want the app (reboot) to run if the terminal has first checked into the console less than 15 minutes ago. Having success using modified time of license (.lic) file.
lines=$(find /license/dsa/licenses -type f -mmin +15 | wc -l); if [ $lines -eq 1 ]; then : ; else reboot; fi
Here is another way that may work for you:
Create a profile that lays down a script and then runs it. The script will be a while loop that checks the license file, etc, sleeps for some time and then checks again. Once it has checked in then reboot.
Here is a sample for another use case:
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