Do default directory rules in UMS apply to IGEL OS devices that connect from outside through ICG?

At least mine do so. I use the rules to simplify rollout.
Ok, thank you for the reply. I thought so to, but had a thin client that didn’t go to a directory that I have a rule in place for. Before I check things out more, just wanted to see.
I just tested and confirmed. Must have been something the user didn’t do. Thanks again
I find it quite useful to combine default directly rules with U.M.S. structure tags, and they’ve worked fine for me regardless of location or I.C.G. connection.
Directory Rules can be used with ICG. You are able to use ICG as a condition for your rules. We use it so our ICG devices go to a different folder and get different settings (external instead of external server address for our Citirx Farm).
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