Not sure if this is the right spot to ask this, but here it goes. I have a user with dual monitors that are extended, but there have been several times when they switch to mirrored for no particular reason. I open Display Switch and fix the issue, but I’m not sure why it’s happening in the first place. Any thoughts?

Desktop? Laptop? Os versión? Vdi?
Using an Igel client (M250C). OS 11.03.500. Connecting to a vdi delivered through Citrix from Vmware.
Hey Scott, this is an identified issue with 11.03.500. We are waiting for a fix from development, but the current recommendation is to downgrade to 11.03.100.
Is there a fix for this yet?
We are currently experiencing this issue and believe it happens when the device is turned off.
Yes, there is a private build. Let me find it and I will PM you the link @member
I am also experiencing this same issue. It seems to be when the monitors go into power save mode, at least most of the time. Could I also get the fix? We are currently on 11.03.583 @member
Hey @member,I am OOO today and not in front of a PC. ping me tomorrow if nobody gets you the private build before then
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