Just wondered if anyone had seen this before – trying to copy and paste a device profile in UMS, get an SQLException error when pasting. Logs show this error: “Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: An SQL data change is not permitted for a read-only connection, user or database.” I’m using the embedded database though so wouldn’t have manually configured the SQL connection, so can’t see how it would be read-only? Thanks in advance for any ideas.

Can you create a Directory under profiles or does it fail too?
Which UMS Version are you using?
Are you using an AD user or a local one?
Can you check Disk space on your UMS Server?
Hey Sebastien, thanks for the quick reply.
Creating new directory fails with the same error.
UMS is 6.06.100
Local user account
Disk space loads free (101GB)
What are the full server specs?
Especially RAM…
VM, 2 core @ 2.2GHz, 8GB RAM but only using 5.5GB of it. server does run a small number of other things, but was checked against UMS sysreqs before install and looked ok. CPU doing next to nothing on it
Did you install the web app?
IGEL KB – kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/installation-requirements-37281947.html IGEL UMS Installation Requirements
I would recommend increasing the RAM to at least 9GB, rebooting the server, and running the database optimization on it.
Before rebooting the server and changing the specs:
please close all consoles
restart the Service IgelRMGUIServer
and start the DB Optimization here:
kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/optimizing-the-active-embedded-db-37282880.html kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.06/en/optimizing-the-active-embedded-db-37282880.html
trying that now, ta. looks like it’s strugging to stop the service but we’ll see. no idea if related, but catalina.log is 1.8GB and too big to open in anything, which seems odd in itself.
(service did stop cleanly in the end, running optimisation now)
yep, that’s fixed it. thanks very much folks, awesome as always.
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