Error “no network connection / network error” logging in to Terminal Server on IGEL OS

Hello all, we have a customer with the following problem. When they log into there terminal server they get the following error: “no network connection / network error, while the network on the HP T630 with 10.06.130 and 10.06.170 works well and they can shadow the devices. Is this a known issue?

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Hello Jeffrey, can you post a screenshot of that error? I mean, is the error message coming up locally or in Session? Is there a Wifi adapter or second NIC active?

I’ve asked the customer for more information.

He just send a screenshot, this is another error: ”Server unreachable”. So both errors are coming up locally. There is no Wifi adapter or second NIC active. There are no problems with the server he told me. There are some employees who doesn’t have any problems. So it’s just on couple devices wich given those errors.

Hard to say tbh. I would probably start with comparing the settings / FW versions between one device that works and the others.

Then check if the location has different configs than the working ones.

Check if you can ping the server when the error occurs.

That‘s just a few thoughts.

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