ERROR reading data from WIM on IGEL OS Windows device

I’m trying to push a snapshot to a UD6 IGEL OS Windows device, but I keep receiving ERROR reading data from WIM file, anybody have any explanation/root cause for this?

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Hi Michiel, which Windows 10 and UMS versions are you using?

Is your snapshot a custom or an official Snapshot from IGEL?

We are using Igel Universal Desktop W10 with UMS version 6.06.100 and this is a custom snapshot

Great ! But which is the W10 Snapshot version you built it from?


i’ll add that the full error says Error reading data from WIM file: Invalid Argument

4.01.100 had indeed a few bugs on Snapshot creation… Would you mind to first update the image to the latest Firmware? Just be aware that this process will overwrite settings you made locally…

I tried deploying via USB and this does work

Any idea what could cause HTTP deploy to not work? Some firewall settings perhaps?

Yes, there was a bug on the first 1-3 versions of W10 IoT versions, was fixed on 4.02 from what I recall.

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