Experiences with blind employees and IGEL OS

Hi guys, i’d like to get to know some of your experiences with blind employees and for example how you handle the logon-process at igel-os level and the use of braille displays.

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we are working on this and it is still under investigation, from my view:

There is a Screenreader available as CP: github.com/IGEL-Community/IGEL-Custom-Partitions/tree/master/CP_Source/Apps/Orca_Compile github.com/IGEL-Community/IGEL-Custom-Partitions/tree/master/CP_Source/Apps/Orca_Compile

and for a screen magnification: github.com/IGEL-Community/IGEL-Custom-Partitions/tree/master/CP_Source/Tools_Drivers/Magnus_Screen_Magnifier github.com/IGEL-Community/IGEL-Custom-Partitions/tree/master/CP_Source/Tools_Drivers/Magnus_Screen_Magnifier

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