Fabulatech webcam redirection on 11.5.100, cannot find in the profile the flag to activate the deamon?

Hi All. Somebody try integrated feature Fabulatech webcam redirection on 11.5.100? On 11.3 we create a custom partition and work well. In 11.5.100 we can select the new integrated feature but I cannot find in the profile the flag to activate the deamon (like FT usb or scanner redir).

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you mean WVD?

it is only in the registry:

Hi Lars. For Citrix.

For Citrix it is in the profile:

it enables these options:

The Fabulatech Webcam redirection is only for WVD

Hi @member just in case: don‘t forget to use the UMS 6.06.110 if you are on an older build. The feature might not be shown if the UMS is too far away.

Hi all, yes the UMS is just the 6.6.110.

@member, please put a description in the feature list of the firmware. FT usb and scanner redir work with RDP/HDX. For the webcam redir Igel conduct the integration only for WVD. We use the webcam redir in HDX since more years with a CP.

it is inside the relase notes:


@member, the readme tell that now three module are availbale. Strocally only USB and scanner was available for citrix. Now IGEL add the FT webcam. One simple man can intend that the webcam is for citrix too. But no problem.

I try and with the integrated FT webcam for wvd, only the right deamon need to be started and then work with HDX too.

The components are only in a list, that says nothing about with which technology it will work

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