Firmware Upgrade, then IGEL UD2 gets stuck (Only NumLock, ScrollLock, CAPSLock blinking)

Hi, when upgrading the firmware on a brandnew IGEL UD2 (actually tried several) – the upgrade goes throught, IGEL reboots – beeps one time and does not go on
It is then stuck in an unknown state (just the 3 LEDs on the keyboard blinking every 2-3seconds)
What firmware were you going from and to? And what method did you use to perform the upgrade? (UMS, USB, etc?)
In addition to Davids questions:
which UD2 Model number are you using?
Are you able to get into Bios (repeating press of del key after boot)
is something else (outside of Keyboard / mouse / display) connected to the endpoint? If yes, please remove the devices
did you tried another display and / or cable / keyboard?
upgrade is from 11.01.110 to .120
changed displayport and displayportcable
only usb-cablemouse connected and ethernet
no input possible after upgrading, stuck with 2sec LEDblinking (would be, keyboard also disconnected)
And I believe, you tried to update through UMS Universal Firmware Update, right?
Are we speaking about the new UD2 with Intel CPU, right?
I would say (if Bios neither Bootorder is selectable) that the device might be defective…
Do you have other UD2s or just this one?
Maybe a last (dumb) question: do you have several Igels? I mean I had this behavior when trying to use a Power supply that wasn‘t the right one (tried UD2 PSU on UD6 a.e.).
Hi, hanks for your inputs – it was the keyboard. normal HP keyboard, connected over USB. currently trying different ones, on different ports
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