Hi all, having issues trying to configure an OPEN VPN session on IGEL latest build 11.04.125. On a PC all is working fine, but on IGEL getting error and could not open the VPN.

On the PC the configuration is the following, while on the UMS the profile is setted in this way (screenshots attached) but getting the error (photo); also an ifconfig does not show the ethernet device created.
I am not very expert about VPN, where am I doing wrong in the configuration? Thank you very much.
dev tun
proto tcp
remote remote.sebino.eu remote.sebino.eu 11443
verify-x509-name “C=it, L=Bagnatica (BG), O=Sebino Antincendio srl, CN=UTM, emailAddress=mail@c-systems.it”
route remote_host net_gateway
resolv-retry infinite
cipher AES-128-CBC
auth SHA1
route-delay 4
verb 3
reneg-sec 0
I spotted this one: Enable this in Options: Use lzo data compression
You could also check the journal for errors:
journalctl -t nm-openvpn
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