Hi, maybe this has been posted somewhere but I did not find anything on search.

We want closing the lid on our laptops to disconnect the session (Horizon) and by enabling suspend this seems to be the result. However, when the laptops wakes up again we cannot login to Horizon any more. Every time we get “Incorrect username or password” and no one can log on until the laptop is restarted.
Anyone have this working or any tips on what to look at? Thanks.
Hi Niklas, I didn’t but let’s see which version you use.
Hi, we are running UMS 12.02.100 and OS version 11.08.440.01.
You followed this, right? kb.igel.com/igelos-11.08.330/en/auto-switch-monitor-configuration-for-laptops-88020424.html kb.igel.com/igelos-11.08.330/en/auto-switch-monitor-configuration-for-laptops-88020424.html
Does it work if killing the Login window by hand?
Yea, I followed that guide. Pressing escape on the logon window so that the Horizon Client restarts does not help.
After doing some more tests I’ve found that this only happens if I run Horizon in Kiosk mode. In regular desktop mode there is no problem logging on after hibernate.
IS the Horizon logs kept though reboots if I want to get the logs after running in Kiosk mode? Or are there ways to access the Terminal when running in kiosk mode?
Best would be to switch to CLI with CTRL ALT F11 or SSHing the box:
videos.igelcommunity.com/igel-os-command-line-cli-explained-igel-tech-tips-tuesday/ videos.igelcommunity.com/igel-os-command-line-cli-explained-igel-tech-tips-tuesday/
When I’m in the situation that I cannot log on, CTRL+ALT+F11 does not work either. After restarting, it works again.
And via SSH?
I’ve just found the problem. You won’t believe it, but after hibernation the right SHIFT stops working on the laptop.
Found a thread on the same issue igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8GP9JHQE/p1632903401028800
How do I add multiple post session commands in UMS? I already have a killall command and according to that thread it seems like I also need to add xkb_keyboard; xset r on.
Or should this be fixed in code on 11.08.440.01?
You can just add a custom command and combine both commands with &&
Huge thanks @member. Now everything works as expected.
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