How can I create OS12 licenses from OS11 Pack?

Hi all, I’ve been out of Igel things the last couple of months (Intune projects) and I missed a lot about the new Cosmos. Now I got a simple question from our purchase department: Igel only sell Cosmos licenses but we do not want the customer go up higher as OS11 for now. Is it right I can add the new type of license to the license portal so they will be available for the OS11 Igels?

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Hi Henk-Jan, the new COMOS PAS (Plattform Access Subscription) contains the WE Product Pack that you already know. That’s why you can choose whether you’d like to use those licenses for OS11 or OS12. They work for both operating systems. And the licenses are added to the ILP account with the order automatically. You don’t need to add them manually to the ILP any longer.

Hi @member, thank you for this explanation. That’s all I needed to know 🙏

And if you need EMP (ICG), it’s included but not immediately apparent. There is a special trick to generate the EMP license from COSMOS on ILP.

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