How do I check the IGEL devices are not running out of resources?

Hi guys, How do I check the IGEL devices are not running out of resources? We are troubleshooting session disconnect issues with Citrix support and they are asking to look at network issues and endpoint resource issues I captured tcp dumps and ica logs and they responded with the below.

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Hello Jess,

is a realtime view enough?

Here is a profile to enable debug logging of CWAL.

Because debug logging pumps a lot of messages to the log so that /var/log/citrix partition runs full as fast, I’ve changed some settings that the logs will be written to /usr/tmp with a count of 12 logfiles. If above not enough of logging, use the following profile.

Thanks @member and @member is there a way to check the task manager in UMS? I’ve created a profile to open task manager with a hot key and it works but will be good to see it myself when I’m monitoring the session and not shadowing.

Best would be to ssh the box then. Or work the Debuglog partition (not in Universal Management Suite, but still helpful):

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