Hello! How do I remove a licence from a device? UML, Wokspace Edition.

You can use the command line and run the following command:
mount -o remount,rw /license; find . | grep -iRl “.*lic” /license/dsa/licenses/ | xargs -I {} rm -rf {}; mount -o remount,ro /license
I thought I can do it in UML?
If you mean UMS, then no, in fact you can’t. You need to manually delete the license file on the device.
yes, UMS, sorry 🙂 I found a way: online! in the license center
Yes, but Remove hardware won’t delete the license on the device by default. It might delete it if you are using ALD but even in that case I’m not sure.
ok, I’ve saved the command, thank you. If we have a problem with it, I’ll use it.
OK. Be aware it will remove all license files. If it doesn’t work properly let us know!
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