with WakeOnLan setup for a specific unit, how do i test its functionality

applied WOL to a machine, shut down 20 machines, about 9 of them came up
when i did a wake up
10.5.800 is the firmware, all of them
Hi Justin. So you set them as a WOL proxy in the UMS console? Then it should be fine, if all ports are open kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.02/en/ums-communication-ports-17208642.html
Use the “probeport IP-UMS port” to test.
Did you also activate the “automatic wake on Lan Proxy detection “?
@member just in addition to Udos suggestion:
Wake on Lan Proxy can also be detected automatically: Automatic Wake On LAN Proxy Detection like described here kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.01/en/wake-on-lan-10324173.html
Don‘t forget please that WOL needs to be allowed on some switches, UDP Port 9 is used then. Last one, if we don‘t speak about Igel devices but devices converted by using UDC or UD Pocket, it might need to be activated in Bios too.
@member @member thanks for that all! i did not have Automatic Wake On LAN Proxy Detection, however, i will reiterate that about half the machines “woke up” as expected. confirming with the network engineer but a cursory pry indicates most, if noit all, of the IGELs are on the same switch (for that particular room)
since im remotely controlling the IGELs, are there specific settings for the IGEL that i need to be aware of that may be preventing them from turning on?
You are welcome! You mean more than having Bios checked (only on non Igel Devices), the ports (kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-5.08/en/ums-communication-ports-910971.html), and the Subnet / last IP behavior (kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-5.08/en/distributing-wake-on-lan-packets-910986.html), no😄
If that doesn‘t work, there might be a few other things to check but it isn‘t standard.
thank you both for the answers! you guys are correct, while it wasnt a UDP port 9 problem it is most likely the swtich getting flooded with data and theres dropped packets
we do 20 at a time for WoL but i havent found definitive evidence or a guide stating what is the recommedned amount
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