How to change the browser title from “Mozilla Firefox” to the session title & can the browser session be started in a certain window size?

How can I further lock down a browser session that is essentially used as a non-fullscreen single webpage in kiosk mode — more specifically, (1)is it possible to change the browser title from “Mozilla Firefox” to the session title, (2)can the browser session be started in a certain window size, and/or can the window size be locked, so the user can no longer resize it?

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To 1) yes, by using a command issued in a terminal first (Accessories=>Accessoires=>+) like this one:

xdotool search –name „Firefox“ set_window –name „what you want“

Where the first name is the actual window name and the second what you want to see

if that works: Put it in System,Firmware Customization,Custom commands,final desktop command

on 2) yes, but I have to check how.

On 2) try this command xdotool windowsize $(xdotool search –onlyvisible –name firefox) 1024 768

worked for me!

Both commands worked fine in the terminal, but ideally those commands would have to execute right after I open the browser session, I think. I put it in “final desktop command” in my browser profile but it made no difference. To complicate things even further, I have two of these browser sessions… I’ll do some more testing tomorrow, thanks again for the help.

You are welcome! You could (as an alternative) use as a Final desktop command :

wmctrl -r “Sourcename” -N Targetname

Keep my fingers crossed!

Wouldn’t it be easier setting up a Custom Application (System > Firmware Customization > Custom Application) and enabling Autostart? :man-shrugging:

you mean putting the commands in an application instead of a custom command?

yes! and that way, can also be started via Hotkey if necessary

After re-reading, not sure if Custom Application is the way to go… try @member’s suggestion 🙂

I managed to specify the browser size by using a custom application and calling “firefox -width 500 -height 420″, but it only half works. Because when I do the same with my other profile to open a different URL and with a different size, it doesn’t change the window size of that one. I think it might be because both are using the same Firefox process?

I’ve given up on changing the title btw, couldn’t get it to work at all. I ended up just setting the title tag on the HTML page it displays, so the title becomes “Mozilla Firefox – mytitlehere”, but it’s better than before.

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