Can anybody tell me how can i change the download URL from the UMS-Console to the DNS-Name? The IP-Adress from the UMS-Console is not reachable in the Thin-Client Network, i have created a DNS-Entry – which works fine, but the IP-Adress for Downloads/Firmware Update is still the “real” IP from the UMS-Server Screenshot journalctl

Not sure to get you right there, which IP is resoved when using DNS? Another than the 10.28….?
yes, the DNS entry (igelrmserver) shows to and there is a dnat from to 10.28…
There we recommend to use ICG, since UMS direct connection to endpoint (and vice versa) is needed.
Thanks for your reply, is there an alternative solution?
Only ICG is supported there, since the Communication encryption will fail if IP/Network mismatches.
Ok – Thanks for your help.
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