I’m trying to get automatic registration to work but maybe I’ve missed something. The client can resolve ‘igelrmserver’ and ‘Enable automatic registration’ is checked in UMS. I reset the client to factory defaults and remove it in UMS but it won’t register itself.

Can you check a few things?
Did you set the igelrmserver as DNS Alias? If yes, like described here: kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.02/en/registering-devices-automatically-16458064.html
Did you checked if Port TCP 30001 from endpoint to UMS is opened? kb.igel.com/endpointmgmt-6.02/en/ums-communication-ports-17208642.html
Is there a AV / Firewall on UMS side? If yes, can you disable it during testing?
Yes, no firewall, ‘probeport igelrmserver 30001’ says ‘Connection successful’.
Can you check in a local terminal if a server.crt is present under /wfs ?
What happens when scanning the device from UMS, can you register it then?
There’s no server.crt. I can scan and register it manually just fine.
Please open the local Igel Setup, and add a DNS Alias like this:
and reboot. Does that work?
Sorry, doesn’t work. I can add the server with the local setup as host or IP. Then it’s shown on the information window with a red ‘X’ in front. (replaced by the IP of your UMS Server)
igelrmserver (has to stay like that)
igelrmserver (has to stay like that)
doesn‘t work?!
ok, last try: what happens when using Start>⚙️>UMS Registration
It always says ‘Registration failed.’
It happens with OS11 and OS10 and I think, I once have seen a client to register itself. Are there any logs where I can see what is happening on the client and server?
I will try a completely new client tomorrow and maybe sniff some packets… 😉
You could check if the catalina logs are saying something:
Help, Save Support Information in UMS
Which UMS / Endpoint firmware are you using?
You could use the command line register command and see if you can get more detailled infos:
rmdb_register –help
USAGE: rmdb_register -s <server> -p <portnumber> -U <username> -P <password> -d <directoryid> -t <structure_tag>
Ok, it’s working now. For future reference: The catalina log shows something like ‘Command XXX for device with unitId XXXXXXXX is not executed – provided terminalkey does not match terminalkey in database’. It is because my deleted device was still in the recycle bin, so UMS keeps this terminalkey until it get’s also deleted from the recycle bin. A nice human readable error message, at least when trying the rmdb_register command or UMS Registration GUI, would be nice.
But if I just reset a client to its factory settings because something was broken, and I don’t want to delete it from UMS, I still have this terminalkey mismatch.
I expected it to just pull its old config and go on.
No, Reset to factory defaults means the device is deleted and reseted. But I would use the default directory rules to get the device sorted in again:
Ok, so if a harddisk fails, I can’t just reinstall IGEL on a new disk, reboot it and it’s ready?
But as the Unit ID stays the same, I can’t tell the UMS to accept the new key?
Ah, I can add the new client by searching for devices and override the old one, so it also get’s the old configuration. 🙂
Well, I meant reset to factory defaults (Igel OS is still installed, but like on a fresh install).
For the rest: I would prefer to delete (and empty the recycle Bin)/reset the device to factory defaults to avoid config mismatches.
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