How to configure IGEL OS to reboot during a period of inactivity?

Anyone know if there is a way to have the thin client reboot during a period of inactivity? We are thinking, to somehow invoke a reboot job if the screensaver kicks in.

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Are you thinking if the screensaver comes on even if the user has a connection to XenApp etc? Or when they have no connection and sitting on the IGEL desktop?

Should go in your direction and request:

Added a feature to display a countdown before either the screen gets locked or an arbitrary shell command gets executed. The purpose is to give the user a chance to avoid the screen lock or the command respectively.


IGEL Setup

User Interface > Screen Lock/Saver > Options


Countdown duration in seconds




0 (means disabled)

If the value is greater than 0, the actions mentioned above will be delayed by this amount of seconds. Size, position and appearance of the counter is determined by the clock settings at IGEL Setup > User Interface > Screen Lock/Saver > Screensaver. The counter is only visibile, if the parameter Clock display monitor is set to All or to a display number. The time when the counter appears is specified by the same setting as for the ordinary screensaver.

IGEL Setup

User Interface > Screen Lock/Saver > Options


Countdown visual effect




[Dark screenshot] [Gray screenshot]

A range of visual effects of which one is applied when the countdown starts.

IGEL Setup

User Interface > Screen Lock/Saver > Options


Countdown background image



A background image to be shown with the counter. Size and position are determined by settings of the ordinary screensaver.


Countdown done command



This should be left empty, when a local screen lock is configured that is supposed to start after the countdown has reached 0. Alternatively an arbitrary command can be specified that is supposed to have a similar effect, e.g. log off from an appliance mode session. The command is executed synchronously before the countdown goes away. If the command doesn’t terminate quickly it must be sent to the background by appending “&”.


Countdown condition command



This is only relevant if the countdown_done_cmd value is not empty. A command can be specified, which is executed before the countdown is started. A non-zero exit code means that the countdown shall not be started. E.g. it might not be desirable to try to terminate a user session when there is currently none.


Continue screensaver after countdown done command



If enabled the ordinary screensaver is shown after the command has been executed. (Some applications stop the screensaver, when they get restarted. So this doesn’t always have the desired effect.)

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