Hi, I have a question considering the following. I have 4 new Igel’s with OS on it. I configured them to have 2 monitors attached to it. Default setting is to duplicate these two monitors but I want it to be an extended desktop. If I manually switch it on my Igel and in UMS set the setting to remember after reboot. User gets a message after every reboot that there’s a new config available.

I can’t figure out where to set extended desktop as default. Can someone help me with this?
I know it has been brought up before but I don’t want user to get the message of the new config available after every reboot
Hi, do you have any chance to use the Display switcher instead?
I already use this setting but still after reboot I see the default is Duplicate desktop and then the message comes: new config available, I click yes and we have extended desktop but this is after every reboot because I manually set it one time to extended.
I want it to be the default setting so when I buy a new Igel with the same OS/Type I can connect that profile and it automatically has extended desktop
There was an issue that IGEL don’t remember their monitor settings after reboot. It was solved in Igel OS 11.3.583 if I remember the version correctly.
and in 11.04.200, thanks @member
I will try a FW update
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