Is there a way that i can replace the logo on the Screen Saver with my companys logo

Yes. you can create a Firmware Customization in your UMS server and assign it to the clients as needed.
@member – Under Firmware customization Details where do i find the above window though
Have a read through @member’s guide on customizing the OS
What Carl posted. I got sidetracked while I was responding. Basically it is the purple “F” in the UMS screen that will allow you do to that, and while mostly self explanatory the guide will get you where you need to go with all of the specific sizes and file types
@member You select the Screensaver “Use Case” as shown by the red box outline. Then the other options will populate underneath the “Use Case” dropdown. if you still are having issues @member posted a link above to an excellent guide that walks you through all the possible customization.
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