How to deploy a Registry Key on a Windows IGEL?


I am running a Windows 10 Enterprise TLSC in combination with UMA 3.01.110. I am trying to push a registry key to my client. I have used the build-in ‘Deploy Reg Key’ function of the Customization Builder. That didn’t work.

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I have tried deploy the file to the client and then have a scheduled task import the file. The file is copied to the device, but my scheduled task keeps running. Credentials shouldn’t be an issues, since I am running it as SYSTEM.

Any idea what could be the problem?

Hi, for this kind of usecases I do recommend to use the UCB Feature which is built in our UMS:

as you did.

The base folder for all log files is C:IGELupdlog and C:IGELupd and there you should have a version history. Please delete from the file or change your version number in your manifest.lua.

I don’t see such log files. I was already using UCB, but the deployment remains stuck somewhere.

on UMA they might be in Program files.

I had underscores in my file names. it seems that was causing issues.

Is that something UCB in UMS12 will be able to able to handle?

No, from what I recall the tool has been deprecated.

oh boy, thats news

So no UMA anymore?

or only snapshots then for Windows devices?

If you ask me, UMA will not get significant updates IMHO. Not saying dead though.

From UMS 12.02.100:

“`[Universal Customization Builder (UCB)]

Removed: “Universal Customization Builder” feature from UMS.“`

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