Hello! How to enable installation of .deb packages from the terminal on os11? Thanks!

which kind of software is it?
Let’s start with my definition of a Custom Partition: the CP is a read/writable partition inside of our OS, where you can put files that shouldn’t get lost after a reboot. Those files could be scans (from a document scanner), bigger files (local emergency plans) or, the icing on the cake: scripts: imagine you could integrate easily Applications, Libraries that are not part of the Igel OS.
How does it work? In an easy manner explained: we receive a deb file (or whatever Linux x64 Ubuntu compatible), extract it, make it portable, and deploy it then to the endpoint.
So, basically, please forget the idea of installing stuff, that cannot happen because of our Read-only partitions and security checks BUT you can link everything you want to the OS during Boot time. Here magic starts (or ends)!
-we found every dependency of your application
-we recreate the folder structure
-create a script that links the needed files to our OS (example: ln -s /custom/anyconnect/etc/vpn.conf /etc/)
-pack everything in a tar
-create a profile where to download the CP, starts the script, etc…
-Deploy it
Here is a great tuto:
I wanted to install NetScaler Gateway Plug-in VPN www.citrix.com/downloads/citrix-gateway/earlier-versions/netscaler-gateway-plug-in-VPN_EPA_Clients_Ubuntu_18.html
Since this request is coming quite often I would rather ask you to open a ticket and ask together with your Igel Sales rep, for a Feature request.
This Plugin integration is planed but on our backlog atm.
In the meantime you could try to build the CP.
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