I’m having an issue with server verification for VMware Horizon. We are connecting locally to Horizon using the dns name and the certificate is through an internal CA. This is happening on IGEL OS 12.2.0 but it is probably happening on 11.08.x as well as it appears we are ignoring certificate errors. I have tried uploading the root certificate from our internal CA to the device but that doesn’t seem to have made a difference. Has anyone else experienced this and have a solution? I’m sure I am missing something simple.

if you set the VMware client to ignore cert errors, it displays the red padlock whether or not the certificate is valid
or do you receive a specific error message?
Let me take a look and see if I am still getting the error message. I assumed because the red padlock was still there, that the issue remained. I was getting a “service verification” error prior
This is the error message I get when the setting is not set to ignore certificate verification. Even with the setting set to warn, it will not let me connect. Haven’t had time to Google the error yet. But I see the root CA in /wfs/ca-certs/ so it should be able to verify the certificate.
try checking System > Registry > vmware.view.skip-crl-revocation-check
For some reason the Horizon Client for Linux doesn’t support CRL URIs that start with LDAP://, which how Microsoft Enterprise CAs do it
Thanks, I’ll give that a try!
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