Maybe a stupid question, but can I deploy the ICG profile to Igels inhouse and in network with the UMS so employees can take them home later using UMS profiles?

No stupid question.
For the moment, there is no “profile” properly spoken for ICG. You start the Wizard, connects to ICG, gets your device automatically configured and then you can take it back to home. A Mass Deployment (if that was meant) isn’t integrated for the moment (it was, then removed, but should come back soon).
Yes, was thinking about Mass Deployment indeed. Thanks for the Info 🙂
On top of what Sebastien said, as long as your devices are able to access the ICG internally via same name/port as they would at home, then you could certainly “pre-stage” them with ICG and continue to manage them while they are on your network.
icg_try_ums_connect may also be a good option for you to play with:
icg-config seems to be back on 11.03.500:
root@ITC000C29A98F57:~# icg-config
That’s something you could put in a profile.
Nice one, will give that a ashot
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