Hey folks is anyone aware of a way to lock sessions down with AD credentials rather than a custom user or admin password? My clients want to lock a browser to require AD credentials if possible on a machine that they dont want them to login via AD first. itll be used for other purposes so doesnt need login but if they need to use the browser they want it locked to AD

Are you saying you want the user to get prompted for AD credentials when they try to launch a browser?
or any session technically would be good to know if it can be done but in this specific case yes browser
There is not. It would require support from teh application itself. you could do something like publish a browser via Citrix/VMWare/RDS and use that as the gateway authentication method
It also wouldn’t be something that would be easy to script, or something I personally would want to support if you did, as you would have to invoke kerberos Authentication and validate the return before launching anything.
bummer, thats a great alternative but not in this use case they are running on azure and trying to keep costs down so I dont believe they will want to put up an app server just for this. It wouldnt require anything scripted just force em to log into citrix and then have the published browser as one of the apps and your good. have the actual igel browser not used. THank you though
@member — You may to check on what the client is using for Web proxy and Authentication. Something like this maybe — azuremarketplace.microsoft.com/en-us/marketplace/apps/cloud-infrastructure-services.squid-proxy?tab=Overview
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