Hi All. We are in a process of setting up our environment for the first 30x iGels UD2-LX 50. We have our UMS server setup. Everything is working great and we are nearly ready. Our initial requirement was to lock down the iGel UI so users cannot make any changes and they only have their RDP session on the desktop. However now it was requested that we keep the interface locked but allow users to create, save, edit and delete, their own sessions (SSH, VNC, RDP, X Sessions and IBMi).

Any ideas how this can be achieved in UMS?
Hi Andre. Really? User should create there own session? Fill in URL, optimize settings etc? Don’t think that’s a user job. Or did I get you wrong?
Yep, that’s correct. Management want users to be able to create their own sessions
In my opinion they have to learn what thar means. In the end it will raise the support as everyone is doing it differently etc. and then it’s said, oh, that’s not a valid solution…
Yes that will keep us busy in support. However is that possible?
If you give access to the local setup (accessories) yes – but therein the user can configure everything. It’s not like we can give access to sessions and not to network or other sections.
I was afraid that this might be the case. So there is no way to enable the config and leave only the Session part :
Perhaps this option can be usefull:
Thx, Bruno – forgot about that one!
That’s exactly what I was looking for! Thank you
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