Hi all, I need some help mapping a COM-Port from igel os 11 to citrix.

On igel os, I see the device /dev/ttyACM0.
In UMS I went to Citrix->Citrix Global -> Mapping-> COM Ports. Local Device /dev/ttyACM0 – Server Device \ClientCOM1.
Is this the way how it should work?
When I try to open COM1 with putty in the Citrix Session, the com-port was not found.
Perhaps you have to setup some Citrix policies to redirect the com port?
You should check first your citrix policies to see if they are configured to be mapped. On the vdi run a cmd and do a “net use” . You should see at least 2 com ports mapped as picaclient.
Thx for this hint!
There was a restriction on which clients the com-port-redirect policy were applied. I added my client and the comports were automatically mapped!
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