Hi all, how to map a network printer lpd/lpr, CANON image runner advanced C256i with IP on an IGEL ThinClient and assing it a specific driver?

Hi Giacomo, did you already had a look on this thread: igelcommunity.slack.com/archives/C8FC01UNM/p1551187709076100
it covers more or less your needs.
I have just read that thread, but still no solution proposed…
What do you mean exactly? The thread describes how to install a CUPS driver and map it to a TS. It‘s appliable but in your case it needs an IP instead.
because with the configuration described in the thread, the result is: the printer is not mapped to server 2.
Could you describe what should happen then after the Printer creation? Mapping to something like Citrix or a local use?
Yes, This customer wants to use Terminal Server in conjunction with IGEL and ThinPrint together, following www.igel.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/Citrix_Solution_Guide_for_Citrix_IGEL_and_ThinPrint-.pdf but encountered issue configuring netwotk printwers on IGEL.
Configured this way, but printer is not mapped in session.
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