How to pass a printer into CItrix session and use a custom driver name on IGEL OS?

Trying to pass a printer into ica session and use a custom driver name, but it doesn’t seem to accept it. Do I have some syntax incorrect with this?

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I should note that I installed the MS Publisher Color Printer driver on the citrix server and was able to verify it works if i choose it from the list, but I am unable to get the custom one to work. Trying to avoid having to install a driver on every citrix server we have 🙂

Hey @member, I think there is something special about the Citrix Universal Print Driver, which requires some special configuration on the local printer. May want to ask Citrix about how that works.

Ok, thanks. I will reach out to them.

James, you saw this?

Found this before i had a chance to talk to Citrix:

Did that end up fixing it for you @member?

I installed that driver specified in the article and sure enough i can now use the citrix universal printer driver. So weird that Citrix didn’t just use a driver built into 2012/2016 instead they made a support article to install the older driver

No…that honestly sounds par for the course LOL

Haha. I guess i haven’t worked enough with Citrix to know 🙂

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